Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Clicking and Shopping for a Great Cause

A pair of my Christmas socks

My Oregon socks

Tonight, as I clicked my daily click to help fight breast cancer, some of the ads caught my eye and I found a great gift for my Mom. I don't think she reads my blog, but it doesn't really matter. You can also click to help fight hunger, for childrens' health, literacy, and a few other good causes. Not sure how much of the money, or how clicking really helps, but I sure hope that it does. I suppose if many people click daily, and a few stop and shop, then the advertisers make money on the deal, but also support good causes. I guess it's a win-win.

I didn't think much about cancer much until a few years ago my life was touched by many dear friends who fought the good fight...some won, but some did not. I have my own sock campaign where I wear special socks and they remind me of those who have had to take up the cause. The first time I ran the Race for the Cure, I didn't know anyone to run for--it just happened to be the week I graduated from the University of Utah and I thought running a race would be a good celebration. Now I know many women for whom I could run, including a cousin, a sister-in-law, and many good friends.

Remembering such things often keeps life in perspective.

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