"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln.
Over the last few months I've been working towards some professional development goals that I chose to help me develop my teaching career. Since I sort of stumbled into this career, it has taken me a little while to find a good fit. I thought I'd finally found that as an elementary school technology specialist aka STS, especially when our school assignments were reduced to two, but budget cuts are likely to change things a bit. It is very unlikely that I'll be doing what I do now next year. Although I'm very blessed to know that I'll have a job, despite a few cuts in pay, I still feel like a worker on notice for a layoff. Since the first day that I heard, I've had a pit in my stomach.
Last year I discovered that the STS position fits most closely with the Library Media Specialist position of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Library Media Specialists are the teacher the other teachers go to for resources and guidance with all things media, including information literacy and technology literacy. For the most part, that's what I do, so I began my portfolio knowing that it was a three year process. I came very close to passing my first year, but fortunately had already begun to prepare my retake portfolio by the time I had received my scores at the end of November. The process is a great deal of self reflection and I find that quite difficult. I know that I am an excellent teacher and now intend to demonstrate that in my portfolio. I have all of the pieces and have until April 15th to send them off.
In my discovery of the alignment of STSs with Library Media, I took the opportunity to begin the Library Media Endorsement program offered by Granite School District. One requirement is a course in adolescent literature. It was a blast, but renewed my habit of reading that I've had to quelch to get other things done. Sharing what I've been reading has opened up a whole new way to relate to my students, too. We have such fun discussing the books that we've read!
This also opened up new opportunities for new positions called Library Media Instructional Technology Specialists aka LMITS. These are secondary teachers who are the school librarians and STSs. What a perfect combination for me! As I investigated I found that this might just be the career position from which I would retire. So, I applied for six openings that were available last summer, but wasn't appointed to any of them. This was a great disappointment. The interview process is tough. I felt like I'd been through six world class fights by the end of the summer. Now I knew that I loved my job as an elementary school technology specialist, but it was difficult being rejected. I hadn't really thought too much about the LMITS position until the first one opened up, then I could see myself as an LMITS. I knew that I'd be great--I just needed the chance.
Looking back, I'm sure the Lord was looking over me because I really needed one more year to prepare to become an LMITS. First, I needed to complete my endorsement. Perhaps that would have been possible as an LMITS, but I'm not sure I would have had the time or energy to learn both a new job and complete the endorsement requirements. I do think it would have made taking the Praxis exam a little easier--the library stuff would have been learned on the job, not through rote study.
I also needed to become more fit--especially physically and mentally. In October when Tom and I started at Martial Arts World I was quite happy with myself and the way things were. I had found that liking myself the way that I was was much easier than attempting to change. Besides, I figured that I wasn't all that bad and many parts of me were quite excellent. Then I learned that I did have the power within to change. I gained control of my physical body and started to make it better. I started exercising every day and making sure to eat well, too. It was amazing what power this gave me. I could accomplish so much more and feel so much better. I got a little angry at myself for ever allowing myself to get so out of shape. I have too much life to live to be sidelined by my physical body. I know I have a long life to live and need to have my health to live it well.
I found the power within to fight off my worst enemy, too. This became very evident when I went to take the Praxis exam. Test taking skills have always been one of my strong points. As a teacher I've had to take many including all of those for my college courses, my Masters degree and the state required Praxis exams. Yes, I had taken three Praxis exams before and even aced one of them and received high honors on another, but this was the Library Media Praxis exam and it was the toughest exam I have ever faced. I'd had some self doubt the week before and found that self defense worked quite well to fight down my worst enemy. Then half way through the exam my worst enemy attempted her biggest attack ever. My head started to spin and all I could think was "What am I doing here? Who do I think I am trying to take this test? I can't pass this test--I don't know any of this?" Then, having made preparations in advance I grabbed on to my new yellow belt (discreetly worn under my sweater), closed my eyes and told myself, "Yes, you DO know this stuff! You have studied hard! You will be an awesome Library Media Instructional Technology Specialist! You are smart! You love to teach! You love your students!" and with the power from my best friend, my worst enemy was once again defeated. I got back to the test and passed it! By the time the score report came out four weeks later I had almost finished my practicum. In a letter dated April 1st from the Utah State Office of Education I was informed that I had been approved for an addition of Library/Media to my teaching credential. Yahoo! One professional development goal in the bag!
Now to focus on the second and most important, my National Board credentials. Over the next few days I will finish the required portfolio entries and send them off and then wait. I'll be waiting until the end of next November.
But I've recently learned that even after all I can do, I don't have all of the inner power required to be all I need to be. That strength comes from the Lord. It is with humility that I've found that I need His help to be strong. I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, who loves me and I love Him, too. It is knowing this that helps me to find the strength to be who He wants me to be. So if that is to be an LMITS or a classroom teacher, I know that I need to prepare and be the best that I can be!
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