March, April, May and June we planned. Then June 23rd I flew to Pennsylvania where Dennis joined me on June 26th. It was June 27th when we joined Michaela at the Manhattan Temple. It was an incredible day! I've wanted to visit that temple since the Cathcarts were missionaries there. Not only is it beautiful, but the spirit was awesome! After a short vacation in Washington, D.C., Dennis and I joined the Layton family with Scott and Michaela for their wedding day, July 2nd, at the Washington, D.C. temple. That was another incredible day!
The very next day we celebrated with a lovely catered dinner in New Jersey at the Layton's home. It was a wonderful evening, too! The food was wonderful. Michaela has a terrific family that we have come to love. The Laytons also have great friends who added much to the festivities.
After a few more days visiting family in Pennsylvania, Dennis and I flew home to get ready for the Utah reception on July 19th. Family flew in and came to visit from all over. It was another fun evening that included family, friends, music, food, dancing and lots of hugs and kisses. How glorious it is to celebrate the beginning of an eternal relationship between two very wonderful children of God!
Family has gone home. The house is quiet again. But the deep love still abides knowing that our family has one more beautiful member. Love you, Michaela!
Thanks Mom. We are deeply indebted for all the work everyone put into the wedding. We loved it!
Thanks! I love you guys too.
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