Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Happy New (School) Year!

After much anticipation, the new school year is upon us. Of course after the first week, we have a long weekend. I'm not sure about the reasoning behind this, but I am enjoying some time to accomplish a few projects that were not accomplished over the busy summer.

One project that I actually finished was fixing a sprinkler turned water fountain that I discovered Sunday morning. It has likely been broken all summer, but I hadn't seen the great height to which it had obtained. It was completely watering down the Grand Am that we keep parked on the street. Unfortunately some grass was not being watered, so may likely be dead, but we'll see.

I completed two batches of indexing for Family Search Indexing. Unfortunately the server was down, so I wasn't able to turn in the second batch. (Later...got it submitted!)

Today is the first day of the new semester at BYU. So off to school goes son number two. He's the last one to get started. Daughter number two began her first semester at Salt Lake Community College on the 22nd of August. Number one son and his wife began their semester at Weber State on August 27th, the same day the rest of us began school in Granite School District. It's Em's senior year at Cottonwood High School. She's even at school today, when school isn't in session practicing Volleyball and meeting with the Seminary Council. Chris just began his sophomore year at CHS. Kathy is the only family member at Bonneville Junior High, but she has lots of friends, so it's going well. Tom has one more year of elementary school. Sixth grade is awesome though. It's a great start to another great year!

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