Sunday, May 20, 2007

Successful Update

As mentioned in my last post, I attempted to update my genealogy website, but "totally muffed it." Since it really didn't have that much on it, other than my database (that I hadn't updated for a few months) and a handful of photos, I decided to rebuild the entire thing from the ground up. Shouldn't be too hard. It went together quite easily the first time I put it together. Hah! Even though I was meticulous about following the instructions, there were a few things that I still didn't have quite right, so it took three tries, but I finally did it--I updated my TNG to 6.1. This was important since there were some security flaws in the previous version. (Why can't folks just leave others websites alone?)

Since I run this site with a documented database, it doesn't contain all of my research. Although I have rebuilt my genealogy database more than once, I felt the need to start a file entitled, "One last time," in reference to starting from scratch one last time. I wanted to have a totally clean database that was completely documented. One that represents my abilities. In the past I had determined that I would need to rely on some others research to ever pull together the information on the families to which I am related. I've decided to be even more particular before adding anyone else's research to my own. Fortunately Legacy, the genealogy software that I use, allows me to document any download that I add, so if I determine to add another database to my own, I'll know exactly where I obtained the information.

Once I got the site back online, I took the time to tweak a little bit of the homepage. I created the main photo when my graphic creation skills were a little less developed, so I recreated the file so the photo was no longer feathered. I think the shadow looks better this way. Now I'd like to try a few other templates and upload photos and the other goodies for which I decided to create a website for my genealogy research.

Today I also talked to two of my cousins. It was great to become reconnected. There are a few leads for research that I'd like to follow, too. I've never quite had the courage to call complete strangers about genealogy, but there are folks out there that I think are relatives and might know more about our family. I know that many researchers call and even visit such contacts, so I'd like to try it out, too. E-mailing has been a great way, but there are many people who are not connected to the Internet, so that's one research method I'd like to try this summer.

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