Tonight I had the priviledge of being pinned by my youngest son with a mother's Webelos Scout pin. When they get into Webelos you lose track of what they are doing because they work on their requirements with their den, not so much with the family as they did when they were Wolves and Bears. But for some reason I still got credit for helping him with the accomplishment. Hardest thing is to actually get him to the den meetings since they are at the same time as so many other activities and too far away for him to walk. It's so different from when my oldest boys were in Cub Scouting and so was I.
I started out as a Bear Den Leader for my oldest son's Bear Den. Our next son was close in age, so I contined as the Bear Den Leader for him too, as well as serving as the Cubmaster. Our youngest son was born while I was Cubmaster. I loved being with the Cubs. For five years I served as a Cub Leader in some capacity, until I graduated to Scouts where I served for eleven years.
Tonight was a fun pack meeting. The boys received their awards...quite a few of them. They talked a bit about important things like citizenship and caring for others. Families came together. And my son was glad I was there. He thinks I'm a great Mom. And frankly, I really don't care about any other opinion.
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