Thursday, April 13, 2006


A few months ago I learned about a fairly new medium called podcasts. They're like radio shows, but instead of the content disappearing into the atmosphere, they are preserved to be listened to at any time. Some can be subscribed to through RSS feeds, or through iTunes. I even took two days at UEN to learn how to create my's fun. The West Kearns Growl can be found at and the Bennion CyberCorps can be found at A professional development site is also in the works. We've created a family podcast, too, but that's only been distributed via e-mail so far, although there have been requests for additional episodes, so guess we'd better create another!

I've enjoyed listening to Dan Schmidt who produces KidCast and David Warlick who produces Connect Learning. Being a rather social person I really appreciate having something to listen to while I work in a lonely computer lab. The other morning I actually found myself disappointed that my workout on the treadmill was over...I wanted to listen to one more podcast! (I did have a treadmill incident when I first got my iPod. When reaching to turn down the volume on a podcast that had suddenly become too loud, I accidently hit the STOP button.) The ideas I've listened to in these and other podcasts have been quite thought provoking, but I haven't quite been able to pull all of my sparks and flashes into anything succinct.

I've also learned about new music called podsafe. Musicians post their music on the Internet for use on podcasts. It's a way that artists share their works and podcast listeners get to hear some great stuff. One place to find this music is at the Podsafe Network. I particularly enjoy Geoff Smith's Not on the Radio. His wife made an awesome music video to go along with it. Thanks!

Now that I have an iPod I can organize what little music I actually own, along with my podcasts and photos. Last time I even uploaded my calendar. Just wish that it wasn't so difficult to keep charged. I had to choose which computer to use with it and chose my laptop, but I don't always have the laptop out, so it's currently dead...better get it charging so it'll be ready for tomorrow's workout!


Anonymous said...

I just listened to your podcast from the "GROWL". I am really impressed. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I just listened to your podcast from the "GROWL". I am really impressed. Keep it up!